Spring. Emerging.

Hey friends!

How does your garden grow?

After a few false starts spring has made her way to our neck of the woods and things are finally growing! I absolutely love the magic of spring and watching plants re-emerge after their long hibernation. I love getting to know our climate here and realizing we have a different weather micro-climate than the city we technically live in. The weather apps are always wrong! But we're learning and making mistakes and growing stuff that does't quite like where I planted it and growing stuff that goes gangbusters. That's what I love about gardening: it's always a fluid process, always changing.

And it's a test of my patience! I want a lush full garden NOW, even though we have SO MUCH SPACE to fill, so much bare space covered in mulch and nothing else. So I'm trying to be patient and give myself some grace. There is so much to learn! So much to remember! This veggie shouldn't be planted next to this one. This plant that you love so much is actually invasive and will be a nightmare in your garden.  Sigh....

Despite the learning curve, we're planting more veggies this year. So far we have:

  • Cherry tomatoes- Sungold and chocolate cherry
  • Poblano and mini sweet peppers
  • Pickling cucumbers
  • Green beans
  • Cabbage
  • Kale
  • And a fancy heirloom pumpkin I can't remember the name of.

As someone who has created a neat garden planner/journal I am pathologically behind on using it so it never fails, I can't remember what I planted and/or where I planted it!

Do you garden where you live? How does your garden grow?

P.S. The garden planner I mentioned is being re-designed and will be offered as a free printatble soon. Stay tuned!



  • Autumn

    I also have big plans every year about keeping a garden journal and planner. It never happens though! Just staying on top of the garden is enough for me. Since we have a container garden on our roof, there is never enough space in the Spring, but then it quickly turns to too much work as the season progresses! This year I was gifted an heirloom tomato that has been grown in my area for 80 years. Someone else gifted me some purple pole beans her mother has been growing locally since 1952. I grew-up in the same town I live in now, and there is something that feels really connected about growing these plants that have been a part of the local gardens here for longer than I have been alive.
    Little Truths Studio replied:
    That is so neat to see the lineage of those plants- the tomatoes and pole beans- I love that. I visited your instagram to get a peek at your garden- I love that photo you posted from March, all those Crocus flowers! You’ve inspired me to plant a big patch of crocus this fall. :)

  • Aleta

    Lori, I love your photos. Yes I do have a garden. It’s not real big but I too learn what works and what is a fail. I keep trying and watch lots of YouTube gardening videos. I really think So Ca is a big mystery as to weather. We did have a good long rainy season and a bit of hail. Somethings died from too much rain. Somethings are now growing like crazy.
    Oh the joys of Mother Earth.
    Little Truths Studio replied:
    Hi Aleta! Gardening is just that way isn’t it- trial and error? Our weather has been changing here too, I was grateful for the long spring but it seems more and more unpredictable. Hope we have a long season so I get some tomatoes!

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Hi Friends!

I’m Lori Roberts

At the heart of Little Truths Studio is a shared journey. To be better humans. To make the world more beautiful with our actions and intentions. To declare our values into being. I speak these truths through gentle art, thoughtful words and a desire to embrace a slower, kinder way of life. Learn more about me >